jueves, julio 29, 2010

HMC: Esto apesta cada vez mas a fraude.

Chequen los comentarios de Mayhem y Watain respecto a la cancelación del HMC, más claro ni el agua:

Mayhem/Attila: "We are very disappointed too and we have nothing to do with the adjournment of the shows in Mexico and Guatemala, we are still ready and want to come! That was the decision only of the Mexican promoter. We feel very sorry for our fans for this bullshit and we ask you guys to be patient. We want to say extra Hails!! to our fans in Guatemala, since its a country we have never played before, but our time will come!! Fuck the music business! Fuck the conspiracy! Fuck the Pope! Fuck the idea of god! Hail Mayhem! Hail Music and Hail the Mayhem Fans uber alles!!"

Watain: "Due to reasons entirely out of the bands control, the promotor has decided to cancel the three shows in Mexico, meant to take place this weekend.We want to underline that this decision has nothing to do with Watain whatsoever. We were very much looking forward to perform these rituals upon mexican soil.To all the Watain Militias and supporters who have wrote us about the upcoming shows and who have been preparing for our arrival; your support will always be cherished and honored, we look forward to join forces with you again very soon. Fuck the World!"

Los vatos de Chas podran decir misa en sus comunicados pero la verdad es que no le cumplieron ni a las bandas ni a los fans. Una nueva fecha con las mismas bandas? Lo dudo mucho pues tienen compromisos en otros lados y no creo que quieran volver a tratar con alguien poco profesional. Yo tengo dos boletos que compre en la preventa de 500.00 pesos. Espero la devolución de mi dinero por que en caso contrario no vuelvo a ir a ninguno de sus eventos. Que mamadas son esas? Pero uno tiene la culpa por creído, no mas boletos en preventas a menos que sea con los tiranos de Ticketmaster, perra suerte!!!

El Embrujado Encabronado.

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